Depression is one of the most common and wide spread mood disorders that exists today. Everyone has experienced depression at one point or another in their life for any one of a billion reasons. The hardest thing with depression is trying to fight it. Fortunately There are also many ways which fight depression and help you to get your life together.
One of the ways to help you Manage your depression is go for a walk every day outside. A lot of the times depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, going for a walk will increase the levels of Serotonin and Endorphins in your body. Both Serotonin and Endorphins will help you to manage your depression. And the best part is the effects will last for days.
So to help you manage depression, I advise you to try walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day, outside, and in the company of friends if you can. The combination of sunlight, human companionship, fresh air, and the release of Endorphins and Serotonin will help to increase your mood and battle your depression. This does not have to be a fast paced walk, you can take it as slow as you want and as casually as you want. If you can't make 30 minutes a day simply walk until you no longer feel comfortable, every little bit will help.
To avoid injuries make sure you have a good pair of shoes and form fitting socks. If you don't you may develop a blister. If you do develop a blister don't pick it or pop it. Sterilize a needle or straight pin and make one small poke in the blister. Then allow it to drain out on it's own. You may wish to cover it with a bandage. Continue to wear the bandage over the blister when you walk for the next several days to give the skin time to heal.
The key to this is to go for a walk every day. If you can't walk outside, go to the mall and walk around there, or the grocery story, or the hardware store, anyplace where you can just walk for a few minutes will help you to manage depression.
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