Endorphins: A Natural Pain Killer

Endorphins are a group of neurotransmitters in your brain and spinal column that carry messages along your nerves. They also serve as your bodies natural defense to stress and pain. Endorphins when released by your body act on the same parts of your brain that an opiate style drug would effect. The result is a natural 'high' and a release of stress and tension.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression relief
Endorphins are one of your bodies natural forms of pain killers and mood enhancers. When endorphins are released your body starts to naturally release stress and relax, it also causes a mood boost to help combat depression. There are many ways to make your body release endorphins which are listed below.

Any physical activity will cause endorphins to be released into your body. Weight lifting, walking, running, swimming, playing sports, even sexual activity will all result in a release of endorphins. How much is released will vary from one person to the next, depending on body chemistry and physical conditioning. That being said, just about any physical activity will release endorphins. So if your feeling down, go for a walk, even a short slow paced walk will cause your body to start releasing endorphins. A regular exercise routine will help you to have a more balanced mood due to the frequent release of endorphins. Something as simple as going for a walk every day will help you relax and be more stress free. For an easy way to starting a walking regiment click here to read Walking For Stress Relief.

There are two types of foods which are known to release Endorphins, chocolate, and chilli peppers. Personally I am more of a fan of chilli peppers then chocolate. Chilli peppers come in a variety of types and 'strengths' and can be easily added to just about any food. Even hot sauce will give you an endorphin rush. Chili peppers are also naturally low in calories so you can eat as many as you can stand. The down side is of course that not everyone likes chilli peppers, and not everyone can handle the spicy taste. Although if you would like to try it, I recommend mild peperoncinis as a first step. They are a sweet pepper and usually not all that spicy.

Of course then there is everyone's favorite... Chocolate. Everyone knows that chocolate has a calming effect and in general just makes you feel good. That's because when you eat it, your body releases endorphins which causes your stress level to lower and your mood to rise. The one down side of using chocolate as stress relief is that chocolate is usually high in calories. So if you are feeling down and need a quick pick me up, grab a small piece of chocolate and enjoy. But, I would avoid using it on a regular basis, too much and you might gain weight which would harm your self esteem and cause more stress.

Massage and Acupuncture
Both massage and acupuncture have been known to cause an endorphin release. Probably because both cause mild levels of pain in the body. Who hasn't grunted or groaned while having a knot worked out of there back during a good massage?

Exposure to sunlight gives us vitamin D as well as causes a release of endorphins, but be sure to either limit your time in the sun, or to use a good sunscreen. Small amount of sun exposure can cause you to feel better, but large amounts will dampen your mood with a harsh sunburn.

This is one of my personal favorite ways to release endorphins. Meditation is simply the mental art of focus and concentration. The discipline has many benefits just one of which is the release of endorphins. Even just one five minute meditation session can have a profound effect on your mood and your mental clarity. However, if you make mediation a part of your daily routine, the effects of meditation will build over time allowing you to develop a much more focused thought process and a more relaxed and stress free disposition in life.

Endorphins are a natural method of pain relief and stress reduction. There are many ways to release endorphins including physical activity (walking, running, swimming, weight lifting, sexual activity), foods (chocolate, and chili peppers), massage, acupuncture, sunlight, and meditation. Incorporating any one of these into your daily routine will help you to become more relaxed and stress free, but incorporating all of them will help even more!

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