Walking for Stress Relief

Walking can be one of the best ways to achieve Stress Relief, and make yourself feel better. However it's not always easy to start a walking program, or any exercise program for that matter. Below is a few simple steps to help you learn to start walking and start feeling more relaxed.

Shoes and Socks
If your going to walk you want to make sure that your feet are protected. If you have a pair of running shoes or sneakers that should be fine. Just make sure the cushion in the shoes is enough that you are not stepping down hard. If you want to you can replace the insole with a new one from the drug store. I recommend a heavier duty insole so you don't end up wearing it out too quickly. Make sure your socks are snug and tight and won't slide up and down as you walk. This will help you to prevent blisters.

In the case that you do develop a blister, do not pop it, or pick at it. Sterilize a straight pin or a safety pin and poke the blister just once to create a small hole. Then allow the fluid in the blister to drain out at it's own pace. You can cover it with a bandage if you would like, but you don't have too. You should however cover it with a bandage when you go walking again for the next week or so.

Before you walk you should always stretch, this is not always easy but is important. To start off, Simply bend down to try and touch your toes. If you cannot touch your toes don't worry that is okay, just bend over as far as you can. Hold that position for 10 seconds. If you can touch your toes easily. Sit on the ground spread your legs as far apart as you can and reach for your feet. Do not pull your feet to you just reach for them, one then the other. 

Lastly, if you can grab your own ankle and pull it up to your rear end do that, if not kneel down as best as you can and lean back. The point is to stretch the muscle in the front of your thigh. Do all stretches for about 10 to 30 seconds. You should feel the muscle stretch but not feel pain, if you feel pain stop immediately.

Where to walk
Walking outside is best if you can do it. The sunlight will help give you vitamin D and make you feel better and the fresh air is always nice.  If you can't walk outside, a local shopping mall, or even a grocery store or department store can work. If you have a treadmill that is good as well. 

Alone or with people
If you can try and walk with other people. It will make it more social and help you to feel less stressed in general. However if you find that you are getting good enough that you want to increase your speed, you may need to do a little walking alone. In that case I recommend a cheap MP3 player with some of your favorite inspirational music added to it. MP3 players are cheap and generally easy to work, just make sure you keep the volume down, we don't want you go deaf now do we?

How long
To see the most health benefits you should try and walk at least 30 to 60 minutes a day, 5 to 6 days a week. But that is not always possible. If you start out and find that after 5 minutes you can barely stand, then you are done for the day. Congratulations! You did something very good for yourself! Exercise takes time and repetition, so don't kill yourself or you won't live to see the benefits. If you find that walking every day leaves you too sore or stiff, try walking every other day for a while then work up to 4 days, then 5, then 6. If you walk for 5 minutes on your first day, walk for at least 5 minutes the next day you walk. If you make it for 5 minutes easily that day, keep going see how long you can go.

How fast
A lot of people set out on their first time walking and instead of trying to walk, they try to run, full speed like it's a race, and almost immediately run out of speed or hurt themselves.  When you start, start slow, walk slow for a few minutes then pick up speed as you can. A good way to tell if you are working too hard is to try and talk. If you can't talk comfortably you are working too hard, slow down. What I do is I recite a small Mantra that I learned in hypnotherapy class. Every few minutes while walking say out loud "Every Day in Every Way I am Getting Better and Better"  if you can't get through that sentence without puffing you need to slow down!

When your done
When you are done, run through your stretching again a few times, and drink lots of water. Don't gulp it down, but in general try to drink at least 32 ounces of water in the next hour or so after you have walked. This will replenish your system and help to flush out lactic acid. Lactic acid is a byproduct that is produced when your muscles first start working. It's what makes you stiff the next day. Drinking water will help your system to remove the lactic acid so you won't be as stiff the day after.

The 10 Step Program

To help you out I have come up with an easy to follow 10 Step program for you! Only move to the next level when you can walk comfortably for the minimum amount of time listed, without pain or losing your breath.

  1. Walk up to 15 minutes a day 3 times a week.
  2. Walk up to 30 minutes a day 3 times a week.
  3. Walk up to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
  4. Walk up to 60 minutes a day 3 times a week.
  5. Walk 60 minutes a day 3 times a week, and up to 15 minutes a day 1 other day a week.
  6. Walk 60 minutes a day 3 times a week, and up to 15 minutes a day 2 other day a week.
  7. Walk 60 minutes a day 3 times a week, and up to 15 minutes a day 3 other day a week.
  8. Walk 60 minutes a day 3 times a week, and up to 30 minutes a day 3 other day a week.
  9. Walk 60 minutes a day 3 times a week, and up to 45 minutes a day 3 other day a week.
  10. GOAL! Walk 60 minutes a day 6 times a week
This program may take you as little as 10 weeks, or as long as years. There is no prize for getting to the end faster. Move at the speed that is right for you, and the speed that your body feels comfortable with, and you will see the benefits of your work very quickly in how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally!

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