It's not exactly a secret that people love chocolate, and that when your stressed you tend to crave comfort foods in the form of sweets, most containing chocolate. In fact, especially around my group of friends, the common phrase synonymous with "I'm having a bad day" is usually "I need chocolate". But have you ever wondered why chocolate has that effect on people?
Chocolate actually does more then release endorphins, it contains several natural chemicals and neurotransmitters that react positively on not only your body, but your mood and mental state as well.
Endorphins to make you feel better!
The idea that you can find endorphins in chocolate is a bit of a misnomer. Chocolate does not actually contain any endorphins what it does contain is a neurotransmitter that causes your body to release endorphins. These endorphins when released act as a natural pain killer and reduce physical pain, tension and stress. So the end result is that physically your body feels more relaxed and calm.
Serotonin to boost your mood!
Chocolate contains a chemical called tryptophan, which is usually associated with turkey and why everyone gets sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. But tryptophan causes your body to release serotonin which is a natural mood enhancer which among other things helps you to fight off the effects of depression.
This is not the caffeine you are looking for....
Many people associate chocolate with caffeine because of the
boost it gives them is similar to coffee and other heavily caffeinated
drinks. (Mountain Dew!) But the reality is that studies have shown that
chocolate does not in most cases contain caffeine (it may be added by
some manufacturers) instead it actually contains a chemical called
theobromine which acts on the body much like caffeine but without being
as potent. It can however cause headaches in high doses.
I'm in love... with chocolate!
Every guy knows that when you want to get a young woman's attention you give her chocolate. Most people don't realize why that works however. Chocolate contains a wonderful neurotransmitter called phenylethylamine, which when ingested causes a person blood sugar level to rise. This in turn creates a feeling of excitement and alertness. It also raises the individuals heart rate, so the person who just ate it is excited, aware of their surroundings and feeling there heart rate going faster. If you were to look up those three symptoms they are usually associated with being in love. And now you know why chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac. (Use this knowledge wisely!)
Good things come in small packages.
Unfortunately chocolate is very fattening in most cases and not really all that healthy for you to consume constantly. It would be better to structure your life with things that help to reduce stress in a better way, like exercise or meditation, then to rely solely on chocolate. That being said, it never hurts to get a little pick me up when you are having a bad day. Personally I recommend going to the grocery store and picking up a big bag of the bite sized chocolate of your choice. My personal favorite is a Crunch bars. One small bite sized Crunch bar will contain enough of the above neurotransmitters to increase your mood and reduce your stress, or make that special someone feel like they are falling in love. But the bite sized piece will not wreck your diet or your waist line!
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