Unfortunately severe depression can lead to suicide, identifying the symptoms of a suicidal individual or seeing the symptoms in yourself can help to save a life. The symptoms displayed by a suicidal individual are as follows:
- Always thinking about, talking about, or writing about death or dying
- Reckless behavior that could result in injury or death, actions that portray a so called "Death Wish"
- Contacting loved ones either in person or remotely, in a way that seems unusual, like they are saying goodbye
- Talking about "Wanting out" or that things would be better without the person here.
- Talk of ending one's life, suicide
- Signs of Clinical Depression (changes in sleeping or eating habits, sadness) that seem to be getting worse
- loss of interest in things one used to love
- Talking about things being 'hopeless', or that the individual is worthless, or feels helpless
- Putting life's affairs in order as if the person expects to die soon
- A sharp change from being sad and depressed to being happy and calm
- 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
- 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
- 1-800-799-4TTY (1-800-799-4889) (for the hearing impaired)
Symptoms of Depression
Depression can effect everyone differently depending on the person involved and the situation that brought about the depression. Below is a list of common symptoms of depression:
- Changes in sleeping patterns, Sleeping longer then normal, Insomnia, or waking up earlier then usual
- Losing interest in activities you used to find enjoyable
- Changes in appetite, reduced appetite or over eating
- Loss of concentration, difficulty remembering things or difficulty making decisions
- Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilt ridden, sad, anxious, empty or pessimistic
- Cranky, irritable or restless disposition
- Physical pain, cramps headache or stomach issues that don't seem to go away
- General decrease in energy level, feeling tired or worn out all the time
- Crying spells for no apparent reason
- Suicidal thoughts, feelings or attempts (Please see section above on Suicide Symptoms)
Types of Depression
There are many different types of depression, each can have a different cause and a different treatment. However, if you have been suffering from any kind of depression or general feeling of sadness, worthlessness, or a loss of interesting in things you love, you may wish to see a doctor. Some forms of depression are easily treated and can be taken care of without medication, but others are more easily relieved with the help of a doctor.
Major Depression
Major Depression is an overwhelming feeling of sadness, along with a loss of interest and usually one of more of the symptoms listed above. The main thing that separates this form of depression from other forms is that Major Depression is an almost constant state of being for a prolonged period of time. Everyone has a day where they just feel down and don't want to do anything, but a person suffering from major depression will feel very down for weeks or months at a time with no real break in the feeling. Other forms of depression will have lulls during the day where the feelings of depression seem to lift and you can be generally happy, they might not last very long but they are there, major depression does not have those lulls. If you are suffering from Major Depression I would definitely suggest you go see a doctor, as well as talk to friends about how you are feeling. I would also suggest you start to exercise more as exercise will increase your serotonin levels and help you to get out some of the things that you are feeling.
Mild Depression
Mild depression which is also called Dysthymia, is characterized by feelings of depression that are not as severe as major depression but last for years at a time. This constant low grade depression tends to impact your general level of enjoyment in life and can be easily dismissed as simply being your outlook on life. The reality is that if you have gone two years or more with symptoms of depression as well as not being able to remember a time when you were happy you are more than likely suffering from mild depression. In my own case I had been depressed for years, I just felt that it was how I was, just my state of being. I felt like I had lost a part of myself that I was interested in and that it just wasn't going to come back. I had to have a friend point out that feeling that way was not a part of growing up, or a part of the situations I was in at that point in my life, but actually a sign of depression. In this case, seeing your doctor would be a good idea, as well as some changes in your diet, sleeping habits and exercise level. For me, making sure I got 8 hours of sleep a night, working out at least three times a week for an hour (although I work out more often now), and starting a meditation routine was enough to pull me out of it. But you should always talk to a doctor, they may have some advice for you based on your current physical condition that would be more helpful then what is listed above.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD (what a cheerful acronym) is a type of depression usually associated with the change in seasons, from summer to winter, and climates that have dreary, gloomy weather. The change in seasons, which usually brings with it longer darker nights, less direct sunlight, and gloomier weather tends to cause a feeling of depression in some people. Women seem to be effected more then men by Seasonal Affective Disorder, but anyone can be effected by it from time to time. Fortunately, in most people Seasonal Affective Disorder can be effectively treated with light therapy. Light therapy, although there may be different levels, basically involves exposing the person to bright artificial lights in order to deal with the depression. This can be accomplished at home simply by installing light bulbs with a slightly higher wattage. Some people also like to use tanning beds as a method of dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Just don't over do it in the tanning beds. It also wouldn't hurt to ask your doctor's opinion on methods to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression is a form of depression that affects new mothers after giving birth. Although some feelings of being down are expected after a pregnancy, usually called the "baby blues" Postpartum Depression is caused by the shift in hormones from the level they were at during pregnancy to the level they are at normally. Any depression that occurs up to six months after the birth of a baby is considered Postpartum Depression and you should consult a doctor given that this kind of depression is brought on by a shift in hormones.
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